Wednesday 6 March 2013

Seven things to do

Seven things to do today...
  • I will allow God to perfect that which concerns me by surrendering every thing (yes everything) to God, no matter how big or small I choose to give it over to Him. 
  • I will throw away the garment of heaviness, depression and negativity and wear the garment of praise, joy and peace even if I don't 'feel' like it. I will not allow my day to be dictated by my emotions.
  • I will do something nice for someone else because it is much better to give than it is to receive.
  • I will close my eyes for a second and just be thankful to God for the breath of life.
  • I will invest some more time into fulfilling the dreams that God has instilled in my heart.
  • I will learn something new. 
  • I will march forward and let go of the past.

Monday 28 January 2013

Gifts are meant to be unwrapped...

The first month of the year is nearly over...have you taken the time out to acknowledge your gift? Yes, YOUR gift: that precious and uniquely created package that God bestowed to you before you were placed on this earth. What makes you smile, contented or at peace with yourself? 

What can you do with ease and pleasure that others may find a struggle?  I know that at times it can feel as if you have nothing to add to this world, or there may even be times when you ponder and ask yourself 'am I of any value'? Well my answer is simple, yes you are. In the instructor manual for your life known as the Bible, it says 'I am fearfully and wonderfully made' (Psalm 139 verse 14) ... isn't that beautiful?

 Even with all of your weaknesses, failings and faults God paused for a second to marvel at you, His creation. I dare you, make a decision that before the sun fades into the sky, that you will use your gift. Unwrap it, blow away the dust that has settled on it after years of abandonment, take the time to get familiar with it again and then...USE it. Who in your circle of friends, family, community or colleagues could benefit from your gift? Who can you add value to, uplift, inspire, build up or support with that gift?  

Make a practical decision that today you are going to leave your imprint on another person’s life. Remember, it is better to give than it is to receive. 

Let us seal this life changing decision with a prayer:

O Lord My God, in the mighty name of Jesus, today I (NAME) have decided to use the gift(s) that you have given to me for your glory. I know that you will never give me more than I can bear and as I commit my plans, ideas, gifts and talents into your hands I know that you will enable me to use them effectively for your glory. I bind every spirit of procrastination, self-doubt, timidity and laziness that may try to hinder me from using my gift for your glory. I thank you that with the aid of the Holy Spirit I will be empowered to use my gifts and talents to bless others. In Jesus mighty name. Amen.

Yayyy! Well done, now you have taken the first step and confessed your commitment through prayer please check out these helpful scriptures:

  • 2 Timothy 1 verse 6 - Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.
  • Psalm 37 verse 5 - Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in him and He shall bring it to pass.

Live the gifted & golden life for His glory x